Covered California income chart for 2019

The first step in determining the best way to purchase your Health Insurance in CA is to determine what you do or don’t qualify for.

This chart is an easy way to quickly determine what you qualify for based on your household size and income level.

You will need to determine your family’s MAGI  (Modified Adjusted Gross Income) for the year.

If your MAGI  is under 138% of the FPL (Federal Poverty Level) you will have two options Medi-Cal being your first option and non-subsidized Individual and Family  Medical Insurance purchased directly from the carrier or via a brokers like us.  There’s no cost difference between purchasing directly, but a broker will offer you a higher level of service and is trained to help you find the plan that works best.  Plus you will not have to go to multiple carriers to to compare the price and benefits we can shop them for you and present the plan that fits your needs the best.

If you MAGI is between 138% and 400% of the FPL  we will help you make the application process with Covered CA smoother and offer additional insight to the plan benefits.  We can also make sure you avoid common pitfalls along the way.  If you have any issue we can be your advocate during the year and make sure you get the most from your coverage.

If you are above 400% of the FPL we can also help you purchase through Covered CA or directly with the carrier.  Either way you will receive  superior service and guidance by working with Cunningham Life Insurance Agency.   You also have the option to explore Medical Sharing Plans like Aliera which could be the cost saving solution you’ve been looking for.

Call us today at (951) 260-0400 so we can find the plan(s) that best fit your personal needs.